Monday, May 12, 2008

The End.

Hi, people. I am at work attempting to remember some stuff that I learned last week. It's going well for a Monday morning. I had the breakfast of champions. Not really. Just some oatmeal. I also ended my so called love affair with Mr. Big. I wanted to do it in person or on the phone but as usual he iggs my calls. So, I left it via text since that's the way the world chooses to communicate. I just basically said that I dont have time to hawk someone about talking to me & that it's probably best for me to exit the situation before I get hurt. Get soon as I send the text all of a sudden he's responsive. Boo to that. Now you answer. Now you call. I didnt answer his call because I meant what I said. I may seem like a uber biotch, but I have to take care of me. At this point (the point of no return) I didnt feel I had anything to talk about anymore.

I also spilled coffee on my laptop yesterday. All my home keys were jacked. BUT as of late last night the only key not working is the "N" key. Unfortunately, thats the one I need the Hopefully, today that joint will be in order. Also, I am apartment hunting again. I am not in the mood for this but it's about time. Target date is: Early July. I am hiring movers this time. I dont care if it costs me $300 + dollars. I just wanna sip lemonade and watch my stuff appear. More later. Just an update.

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