Thursday, May 22, 2008

7even Deadly Sins...

I confess. I partake in all of them or at one point just done them all in one night. I'm going to try to compose somewhat of a confession moment minus Father Ryan. I imagine him on the other side shaking his head all the time.

Bless me Father for I have sinned.

My last confession was...hmm...probably in 2003

These are my sins...

Lust: Funny how this is first on the list that I compiled. I must say I do lust over the red one with the freckles. Mind, body & soul. It was just something about that one. We ravaged each other at any opportunity we could. I miss the smell of Chanel on the sheets, I lust the way he would bite my neck as hard as he could, I miss waiting for him to come home. He wasn't scared like most. He knew how to apply the right pleasure to my pain. Exhale. VF2.
Gluttony: I do this just about everyday. I'm usually like screw portion control. Once when I was about 7, I went to Ryans with my cousin & her family. It was my first time even going to a all you can eat buffet. Needless to say, I tried everything. I mixed all kinds of stuff together. I remember topping all of it off with strawberries. About 5 min later in a Kroger parking lot not 5 minutes from my house. I called url like the exorcist. All in my cousin's Mother's van. She assured me she wasn't upset she just wanted me to feel better. I knew I ate too much. What a little glutton.

Greed: How greedy am I? I cant say I'm guilty of this because I grew up sharing everything I had because my mom was & still is a "Baby-sitter". So, I always had little snotty nose non-siblings playing with all my toys. In my adult life, I would still give someone anything I can & mostly ask for whatever someone can give me.

Sloth: I should run everyday. I should read more. I should write more. I should free myself. I should walk Roxy. I should call my friends more. BUT I'm lazy as shit. When I get home from work...I sleep. Guilty. Sloth is a little harsh because I do technically have three jobs..haha.

Wrath: I have actually done this to someone before. I actually talk about my Gemini duality a lot. I dated a guy. My cousin is a super flirt. I warned he & she that if they ever stepped over my personal threshold of being comfortable with the flirting there would be hell to pay. So I'm over a friends house with my cousin & I'm playing "Snake" on her cell phone. All of a sudden she snatched the phone. I was surprised. "What? I was only playing Snake." She confirmed this & handed back the phone. The next time I got my clutches on the phone (she went in a store or something) I looked through it. She had his number & apparently her and he talk back & forth. I confronted them both. He ended in a bunch of I'm sorrys & she ended in tears. If innocent...why tears? I quit talking to her for awhile. (only way to punish family) & he was another story. His friend...was a friend of mine at one point...until I found out they knew each other. I rekindled that friendship. They lived together. So, I get all fresh to go over...equipped with my "Micheal" perfume. You can smell that ish from a mile away. He sent me a text on my way home. "I smelled you." He was pissy mad. Did I mess with his friend behind the closed bedroom door? The world may never know...

Envy: I hate this one the most. It's the "green monster". Sometimes, you do it & don't even notice. I ask for forgiveness for this a lot because I am truly happy for people. BUT disappointed sometimes that the things don't happen for me. When my first friend graduated from College, I was a little taken aback. How did I get so far behind...why wasn't I first? I felt really shitty about the course that my life had been taking. After I prayed about it...God sent me some personal fire under my ass. I took a course of action and I graduated very soon after that. Damn, I hate envy. It's sooo bad. Be happy about the things that you have.

Pride: I'm very proud. My pride gets in the way a lot. I would probably have Big around if it wasn't for my ego. I'm a protector of this heart of mine. I will tell you I don't want to talk to you. When I do. I will tell you to stop calling. When I don't want you to. I will tell you to Fuck off if it means the laugh will be on me later. I'm working on this one. Probably why I hardly ever cry or show signs of weakness. My pride wont let me.

I am truly sorry for these & for all of my sins.

Only 20 Hail Mary's & 1 Our Father?


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