Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Karmic Retribution

I do believe what goes around comes back around. Here lately I noticed that.

My crappy neighbors who stole my chairs. Well the same hill I rode down & saw them is the same hill I rolled down and noticed all their shit in their front yard. Yep! That's right. Let's spell it out...E-V-I-C-T-E-D. Have fun sitting in my chairs OUTSIDE your former crib on the hottest day in Tennessee yet. How sweet Karma is.

When is my Karma coming? Ive been pretty good.

Big told me that he couldnt make it to my party. I thought he told me he had to work. Actually, no. It turned into some sort of Frat picnic. Am I the only person that thinks grown men's love for frat "activities" should die after about 25. Unless its a job or something...stay your old ass out of the picnic. He had to drive to that, so he couldnt come to my party the night before.

Needless to say...I was pissed. My words: "I dont think I like who you are." "I just dont think I like you."

I gotta protect my heart. I told him I was going to finish reading my book. "You want to talk later." Me: "No." Im not in the mood for that.

Big's Food Chain:

1. Work

2. Family

3. Friends

4. Fraternity

5. Breakfast




9. Anything other than me

10. Me (maybe)

My party was so much fun. I had a really good time. It was such an electic bunch of people there. I wish some of my family could have been here.

Dont much feel like elaborating on that. I might post some pictures.

Side note: Saw Big out at a party. The same Big who is always tired from work or some whop de woo.

I was more than pissed. Im still kind of pissed. Im going for coffee, cigarettes & a break

Yes! I did hit the tobacco again. My turmoils in life are best blown out with the smoke I exhale.

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